Return of Class Credits Due to Vaccination / Booster

Dear Clients,

Please note that it is recommended by the government to refrain from exercising up to 2 weeks from date of vaccination or booster shot. As such, we will be following this directive and ask all clients to refrain from attending classes for the following time period -

After 1st and 2nd dose: refrain for 1 week
After 3rd dose (booster shot): refrain for 2 weeks

We will be able to freeze your package for the period of which you are unable to workout. Please email into a screenshot of your vaccination date and we will perform the necessary for you.

Return of Credit
For classes missed due to side effects from the vaccination within the 1 or 2 weeks following your injection, we will not be able to return your class credit. We kindly ask all clients to cancel out of classes early and to avoid booking into classes for 1 - 2 weeks from the date of your vaccination appointment.

We thank you for your understanding!

Stay safe!

Team Off Duty

Off Duty Pilates