Tasha K.


How did you get into Pilates?
I was introduced to Pilates a few years ago as a form of rehab for Scoliosis. I suffered from lower back pain and stiffness in my upper traps due to my spine curvature. I could feel and see the imbalances in my body and felt like I needed a change. Ever since my first lesson, I’ve been hooked onto it!

What do you love about Pilates?
I never used to enjoy exercising so I was very happy when I found myself looking forward to Pilates sessions. I love how Pilates can target small important muscles that may be underutilized and the workout can range from low to high intensity depending on what you crave that day! I love how the technique makes you actively think about the right form and the muscles you are targeting as you move!

I still remember my very first lesson where I started on the Reformer and looked at the Cadillac and thought to myself “mmm…what can you even do on that?” I found myself asking to try the different types of Pilates equipment every session. I love how there’s endless types of movements and it never gets boring.

What makes your class unique and sweaty? 
Be ready to try out different starting positions on the Reformer! A class that will challenge your endurance and get you shaking a little in the right targeted spots.

What do you want your clients to leave your class feeling?
More body awareness (if they have imbalances), stronger and feeling like they made a good choice coming to class.


Favourite workout other than Pilates?
I would usually say dancing, but now it's taking my 3 dogs out on walks!

Favourite pre or post workout snack?
Iced oat matcha with a shot of espresso!

Describe you and your teaching style in five words. 
Friendly, attentive, interactive, encouraging and patient.

Tasha holds the following certifications

Intensive Mat-Plus™
Intensive Reformer
Intensive Cadillac
Advanced Cadillac
Intensive Chair
Intensive Barrel
Core Align 1
Anatomy Review Workshop
Postural Analysis Review Workshop
Prenatal Pilates on the Mat
Prenatal Pilates on the Reformer
Post-Natal Pilates